Bomanji Pestonji Wadia (1881 - 1958)


Mr. B. P. Wadia was born on 8 October 1881, the eldest son of Mr Pestonji Cursetji and Mrs. Mithibai Wadia. He had three sisters and one brother. Mr.Cursetji Wadia was a descendent of the famous Wadia family of shipbuilders. The Wadias came from Siganpore, a small village near Surat. Some of  the sailing ships built by the Wadias are referred to even today. The Trincomalee, later renamed Foudroyant, is still preserved at Portsmouth Harbour as ”the ony surviving frigate of the old sailing navy.”

As a young student Shri Wadia studied at New High School, Bombay, conducted by J.D. Bharda and K.B. Murzban. In 1900 (on 1 January, to be exact) his father had him join his office, when be was working for a well-known British firm doing textile business. Mr. Wadia’s uncle, Mr. Khursetji J.B. Wadia, was then a member of the Theosophical Society in Bombay. In 1904, Mr. B.P. Wadia joined the Bombay Branch of the Theosophical Society. He became an active member of the Branch and later in 1907 he left Bombay and went to Adyar, Madras, to stay and work there.

At Adyar Mr. Wadia was involved in a number of activities. He was assistent editor of New India. He worked in the Home Rule movernent and was interned at Ooty along with Mrs. Annie Besant and Mr. George Arundale. He started the first labour union known in Indian labour history. In 1919 be went abroad to attend a conference on the trade union movement.

He had seen for some time now a difference between his own ”back to Blavatsky” thinking and what was in actuality taking place at Adyar and he :finally severed his connection through a Statement of Resignation issued in July 1922.

From 1922 to1928 Mr. Wadia toured the United States, came into contact with the United Lodge of Theosophists, founded by Mr Robert Crosbie, and worked for it. He was concerned in the starting of  U.L.T. Centres at New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. In 1925 plans were made to issue a photographic facsimile of the original edition of The Secret Doctrine.Inthat year plans were also made to start a U.L.T. Centre in London, U.K.

In 1922 he married Smt. Sophia Wadia, and later in 1929 he visited Europe and together with her started several U.L.T centres. They returned to India on 31 May 1929 and after staying for a period of time both in Bombay and at Ooty, started the first U.L.T. centre in India at Bombay on the 17th of November, 1929. It was then situated at 51 Esplanade Road, later renamed Mahatma Gandhi Road.

In January 1930 The Aryan Path made its appearance. ”Shravaka” wrote in the editorial in Vol 1, No 1, p. 20:

So much ”original” writing is done today, so much ”self-expression” is indulged in that, in the glamour that is raised, the chants of the Gods remain unheard. One of our tasks is to bring home the truth that it is not derogatory to respect the old age facts of the science of the soul. The study of the wise ancients convinces us that our forefathers knew better and more than we do. …It is one of the tasks of this journal to awaken an intelligent appreciation of the hoary past so that an intelligent adaptation of some of the old truths to modern life and conditions may take place.

Shravaka is an old Theosophist who has learnt the virtue and acquired the power of saying – ”Thus Have I Heard.”

On 17 November 1930, a year after the formation of the first U.L.T. Centre at Bombay, a four-page Bulletin was issued under the title The Theosophical Movement. In it all articles were unsigned to draw attention to the contents rather than to persons. The original articles of  H.P. Blavatsky and W.Q. Judge were made available by reprinting.

In 1938 a suburban centre of the U.L.T  was formed at Matunga, Bombay, and in 1942, on 12 August, the Bangalore U.L.T. came into being at Maitri Bhavan.

In 1945 The Indian Institute of Culture in Bangalore was formed with Dr L.S. Doraiswamy as its first Secretary. Later the name was altered to make it The Indian Institute of World Culture. The road on which it is situated was originally called North Public Square Road, and some mail still comes to the Institute with that address.

In 1945 the William Quan Judge Cosmopolitan Home was started on a noncommunal basis, to provide wholesome food and inculcate discipline directed at encouraging habits of cleanliness, tidiness, punctuality and responsibility; and this practical expression of Universal Brotherhood was the nucleus of the Institute.

The Institute is a non-sectarian, non-govermental, private voluntary body with its chief aim to promote intercultural exchange and universal brotherhood without distinctions of any kind. It began to invite eminent persons from abroad and in India and has had persons of great eminence on its platform. Today it is a prominent landmark in Bangalore and the road on which it is situated has been re-named, after the Founder’s demise, Shri B. P. Wadia Road.

In 1954, the foundation stone for the present home of the Bombay U.L.T., Theosophy Hall was laid and in the same year in November the Silver Jubilee of that centre was celebrated. In 1957 Theosophy Hall was opened for its first inaugural meeting on the 17th.of November to an overflowing audience. The Theosophical Movement had meanwhile enlarged by stages to a 40-page monthly magazine. It has been devoted to ”the Living of the Higher Life.”

On 20 August 1958 Shri B. P. Wadia passed away at Bangalore, a few days after his stirring Address entitled Our Soul’s Need had been delivered at the Indian Institute of World Culture, which subsequently published it.

”Thus closed a life of selfless service. His vast insight, his courage and the breadth of his mind made him a builder of those things in life that are foundational to true living. He was an example to all of what life should be. His compassionate heart, his utter devotion to the work he had undertaken, his self-sacrifice in time, energy and money, made his life a monument of strength to those who knew him personally, and the work that he did has inspired and will continue to inspire countless human beings all over the world in their struggle through life.” (Theodore Leslie Crombie, Friend of India by EBeswick)


Published in 1981 by:
6 Shri B P Wadia Road 
Bangalore 560 004

A larger biography on B P Wadia is written by Dallas TenBroeck:
A Life of Service to Mankind 

B.P.Wadia ONLINE books and articles
(first a few links in Swedish & then many more below in English  )

På svenska:

Buddha och Sankara – Sålunda har jag hört av B P Wadia

Låt oss generera oss själva – Leva Livet av B P Wadia

Några observationer rörande studiet av Den Hemliga Läran

Författaren till Den Hemliga Läran (1) – Studier i Den Hemliga Läran, Första Serien
Omfattning, struktur och metod (2) – Studier i Den Hemliga Läran
Absolut och Relativ Kunskap (3) – Studier i Den Hemliga Läran
Arketypernas Värld (4) – Studier i Den Hemliga Läran
Arketypisk kunskap (5) – Studier i Den Hemliga Läran
Uppenbarelse – Sann och falsk (6) – Studier i Den Hemliga Läran

Från Inspiration till Intuition (10) – Studier i Den Hemliga Läran, Andra Serien

Det Vandrande Hjärtat – Studier i Tystnadens Röst

Ett meddelande om utträde ur TS av BP Wadia

Teosofens Väg
B P Wadia Kompendium (Nyhetsbrev nr 4)

Opublicerade brev av BP Wadia – 1
Opublicerade brev av BP Wadia – 2
Opublicerade brev av BP Wadia – 3
Opublicerade brev av BP Wadia – 4

Opublicerade brev av BP Wadia – 5
Opublicerade brev av BP Wadia – 6
Opublicerade brev av BP Wadia – 7
Opublicerade brev av BP Wadia – 8

In English:

The Search for the Master The Theosophical Movement, december 1958

The Inner Ruler  The Theosophical Movement, november 1958

Will the Soul of Europe Return? offered to the first World Congress of the Theosophical Society, 1921

Svadesh and Svaraj from the T.S. Adyar Bulletin No 120, 1910.

Statement of Resignation from the Theosohical Society 1922

B.P. Wadia and the TS history (Notes written down by Dallas TenBroeck)

The Building of the Home ( 8 articles of the philosophical background of the Grihastha Ashrama is presented…)
This is a link to the website: Theosophy Library Online.

The Zoroastrian Philosophy and The Way of Life  4 articles on Zoroastrianism, Theosophy Magazine 1926

Our Souls Need  B P Wadias last Lecture, 1958.

Mr Wadia in Buffalo 1920

Some Observations on the Study of the Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky 1921.


Book 1
From THEOSOPHY Magazine

The Writer of the Secret DoctrineBook I, First Series #1
Scope, Structure and MethodBook I, First Series #2
Knowledge – Absolute and RelativeBook I, First Series #3
The World of ArchetypesBook I, First Series #4
Archetypal KnowledgeBook I, First Series #5
Revelation – True and FalseBook I, First Series #6
Original Teaching, Original ImpulseBook I, First Series #7
Message for TodayBook I, First Series #8
A Message of HPBBook I, Second Series #9
From Inspiration to IntuitionBook I, Second Series #10
Metaphysics of The Secret DoctrineBook I, Second Series #11
Altruism of the Secret DoctrineBook I, Second Series #12
Be-ness, Becoming, BeingBook I, Second Series #13
Deity, Law, BeingBook I, Second Series #14
The Three HypostasesBook I, Second Series #15
Growth through Self-EffortBook I, Second Series #16
The Yoga of The Secret DoctrineBook I, Second Series #17


Book 2

The Right Approach

Book II,   Third Series #18

The Eternal Pilgrim

Book II,   Third Series #19
What is Man?Book II,   Third Series #20
Deity in NatureBook II,   Third Series #21
The Basic Law of BrotherhoodBook II,   Third Series #22
The Law of KarmaBook II,   Third Series #23

The Law of Cycles

Book II,   Third Series #24

The Law of Sacrifice

Book II,   Third Series #25

Shri B.P.Wadia Chronology ( a short sketch from Indian Institute of World Culture)
B.P.Wadia – A Life of Service to Mankind (a long sketch from Dallas TenBroeck)




Unpublished Letters from B P Wadia – 1

Letter 1

Unpublished Letters from B P Wadia – 2Letter 2
Unpublished Letters from B P Wadia – 3Letter 3
Unpublished Letters from B P Wadia – 4Letter 4
Unpublished Letters from B P Wadia – 5Letter 5
Unpublished Letters from B P Wadia – 6Letter 6
Unpublished Letters from B P Wadia – 7Letter 7
Unpublished Letters from B P Wadia – 8Letter 8

Unpublished Letters from B P Wadia – 9

Letter 9

Unpublished Letters from B P Wadia – 10

Letter 10
Unpublished Letters from B P Wadia – 11Letter 11
Unpublished Letters from B P Wadia – 12Letter 12
Unpublished Letters from B P Wadia – 13Letter 13

Unpublished Letters from B P Wadia – 14

Letter 14
more to come 

Awakening of Faith 
   (The New York Talks – #1)

Cultural Units   (From World Congress of the Theosophical  Society held in 1921.)

Of Measuring Rods (From The Indian Institute of World Culture)



The Wandering Heart

Part 1

The Slayer of the RealPart 2
The Mind of the Silence

Part 3

The Virtous Mind

Part 4



The Living Power of Theosophy

How to Reach Masters (1)

Defence of Theosophy

How to Reach Masters (2)

The Vow of Silence

How to Reach Masters (3)

The Greatest of All Wars

How to Reach Masters (4)

On Getting Ready

How to Reach Masters (5)

Help the Work

How to Reach Masters (6)

Esoteric and Exoteric

How to Reach Masters (7)

How to Reach the Masters

How to Reach Masters (8)

The Path of Woe

The Path of the Masters (9)

True Self-Expression

The Path of the Masters (10)

The Tests

The Path of the Masters (11)

The Desertion of Discipline

Fight out the Field, O Neophyte! (12)

The World of Shells and Soul

Fight out the Field, O Neophyte! (13)

A Man is Born

Fight out the Field, O Neophyte! (14)

Divine Ethics

The Divine Discipline (15)

The First Step

The Divine Discipline (16)

”Blend Thy Mind and Soul”

The Divine Discipline (17)

Prepare to Answer Dharma

The Divine Discipline (18)

Celestial Expirience in Mundane Duties

The Divine Discipline (19)

The Bonfire in the Brain

The Divine Discipline (20)

“By That Sin Fell the Angels

The Divine Discipline (21)

Lust for Power

The Divine Discipline (22)


The Divine Discipline (23)

The Way Downward

The Divine Discipline (24)

Genii, Genius and Geniuses

The Divine Discipline (25)

Let us generate ourselves

The Divine Discipline (26)

Theosophical Reformation

The Divine Discipline (27)


The Divine Discipline (28)


The Divine Discipline (29)

Sacrifices and Sacrifice

The Divine Discipline (30)



Elements and Gods

Shri Krishnas Message (4)

Our Real Friends

Shri Krishnas Message (5)

Buddha and Shankara

Lord Buddhas Teaching (1)

Good Company – Buddhas View

Lord Buddhas Teaching (6)

Applying the Doctrine

Lord Buddhas Teaching (7)
On Getting RichLord Buddhas Teaching (10)
Thus have I Heard

Ancient Philosophy (1)

A Cock to Aesculapius

Ancient Philosophy (2)

The Tathagata Light Ancient Philosophy (5)
The Festival of LightsAncient Philosophy (9)
Originality and QuotationAncient Philosophy (10)
The Sin of SpeechAncient Philosophy  (12)
A Living Epic Ancient Philosophy (13)
The Pursuit of KnowledgeAncient Philosophy (16)
Vajra – The ThunderboltKarma and Reincarnation (2)
God is LawKarma and Reincarnation (3)
Karma and DharmaKarma and Reincarnation (4)
Human Judgment and Divine CompensationKarma and Reincarnation (5)
Mans Divinity and SophisticationKarma and Reincarnation (6)

Reincarnation Explains

Karma and Reincarnation (7)
Truth and BeautyDivineDiscipline (2)
Discipline and CultureDivineDiscipline (3)
Self-DisciplineDivineDiscipline (4)
Religions and ReligionsDivineDiscipline (5)
The Eye the HeartDivineDiscipline (6)


DivineDiscipline (8)
Psychology: European and AsiaticOriental Psychology (1)
Gratifications of PassionsOriental Psychology (2)
Lust for Living and RepentanceOriental Psychology (3)
Contentment and ResignationOriental Psychology (4)
The Gem of GemsOriental Psychology (5)
Of RepentanceOriental Psychology (6)
Death of the BodyUniversal Etihcs (2)
The Moral Order of UniverseUniversal Etihcs (3)
Archetypal VirtueUniversal Etihcs (4)