Los Angeles


The United Lodge of Theosophists in Los Angeles is an active group of students who maintain classes and study groups in both English and Spanish. Some classes are in person but the majority of  the gatherings are Online.  The ULT in Los Angeles has an online bookstore where most of the critical literature of HP Blavatsky and William Quan Judge can be purchased, both nationally and internationally.   A massive virtual library of online line materials is available through Universaltheosophy.com which is a project started and maintained by ULT students.

Contact Information:

Theosophy Hall Los Angeles is located at 245 West 33rd St. Los Angeles, CA 90007   You can call the Lodge at 213-748-7244   You can contact the Lodge via email going to this address: theosophyult.com/contact-us-2 

Web Address:


  •  Monday:  Study Group:  Weekly: Currently The Gates of Gold  12:30-2:00 am

  • Tuesday:  Respuestas a Preguntas del El Oceano de La Teosofia   7-8 :30 pm

  • Wednesday: Grupo de studio: Semanalmente :  Meditación sobre las Estancias de Dzyan y la Ciencia de la Mente  11-1:45 pm
     Study Group: Weekly: Answers to Questions in the Ocean of Theosophy  Robert Crosbie  7-8 pm
     Grupo de studio: Semanalmente : Isis Sin Velo de H.P. Blavatsk
    Study Group: Weekly : The Secret Doctrine 7:30-9 pm

  • Thursday:     Four Once a Month Classes in Conjunction with the Ventura Lodge  All Four Classes 5-6:30

     1st Thursday: Monthly: Poems and Prose about the Spiritual Path

     2nd Thursday: Monthly:  Theosophical Tenets:  Human Solidarity

     3rd Thursday: Monthly:  Theosophy in Cinema

     4th Thursday: Monthly:  Studies in the Secret Doctrine: B.P. Wadia

  • Friday:       N/C

  •  Saturday:    Primero y Segundo de cada mes: Comparativo de Textos Teosoficos, Vendanta, Budismo Tibetano 2-4:30 pm

    Spring and Fall Lecture Series  April and Oct.  International Great Teacher’s Day and  International White Lotus Day

  • Sunday: Study Group: Weekly: H.P. Blavatsky Articles  12:30-2 pm

    Study Group: Weekly: The Pearls of Wisdom from The Secret Doctrine, Dzogchen, and Vedanta 10:00-12:00 pmSpecial Events:  Monthly: Meditation Manuals of the Indo-Tibetan Traditions  1stand 2nd Sundays 10—12:00 pm

                    Grupo de studio:  La Sabiduría de la Doctrina Secreta y su Aplicación en la Vida Cotidiana.  2-4 :30 pm
