Teosofiska Kompaniets
Bokhandel & Bokförlag
teosofisk litteratur på svenska, engelska,
franska och spanska
teosofiska tal-kassetter på svenska
BOKLISTA: senaste prislistan den 21 september 2001
nr | titel | författare | pris |
100 |
Helena Blavatsky |
inb. 200:- |
101 |
Helena Blavatsky |
inb. 300:- |
102 |
Helena Blavatsky |
inb. 100:- |
103 |
Key to Theosophy (indian edition, paperbound) |
Helena Blavatsky |
häft. 50:- |
104 |
Helena Blavatsky |
inb. 40:- |
105 |
Voice of the Silence (indian edition, paperbound) |
Helena Blavatsky |
häft. 20:- |
106 |
Helena Blavatsky |
inb. 140:- |
107 |
Helena Blavatsky |
inb. 150:- |
108 |
In 1889, when H.P.B. was in London, the weekly meetings of
the Blavatsky Lodge was devoted to the discussion of the archaic "Stanzas"
on which The Secret Doctrine is based. Transactions provides
150 pages of H.P.B.'s answers to metaphysical and scientific questions, as
stenographically reported, and afterwards revised by her for publication. It
also includes an extensive treatise on Dreams. |
Helena Blavatsky |
inb. 80:- |
109 |
Helena Blavatsky |
inb. 400:- |
110 |
Yoga or Occultism (indian edition, paperbound) |
Helena Blavatsky |
häft. 30:- |
111 |
Being Dead yet Speaketh (indian edition, paperbound) |
Helena Blavatsky |
häft. 30:- |
112 |
Helena Blavatsky |
häft. 20:- |
113 |
Esoteric Character of the Gospels (indian edition, paperbound) |
Helena Blavatsky |
häft. 20:- |
114 |
Helena Blavatsky |
häft. 30:- |
115 | Karma
and Reincarnation Karma och Reinkarnation ![]() |
Helena Blavatsky |
häft. 20:- |
116 | Den
Hemliga Läran (I o. II + index) |
Helena Blavatsky | inb. 400:- |
117 | Nyckel
till Teosofin (förkortad uppl.) |
Helena Blavatsky | inb. 95:- |
118 |
Tystnadens Röst |
Helena Blavatsky | häft. 30:- |
119 | Drömmar Ny utgåva 2001 | Helena Blavatsky | häft. 30:- |
121 |
H.P.B.´s Theosophical Articles |
Helena Blavatsky |
häft. 20:-/st |
122 | Helena Blavatsky |
häft. 30:- |
123 |
Helena Blavatskys
Teosofiska Ordbok |
Helena Blavatsky | |
124 |
Tystnadens Röst - Första Fragmentet (ny översättning) |
Helena Blavatsky | häft. 30:- |
200 | An Epitome of Theosophy | William Quan Judge | häft. 20:- |
201 | Echoes from the Orient | William Quan Judge | häft. 30:- |
202 |
The need for a simple, concise statement of Theosophical teachings was met
by Mr. Judge with publication of this book in 1893. It first appeared as a
series of newspaper articles, in which the writer set forth all the major
doctrines of the philosophy, dealing with questions that might naturally
occur to the average reader. Years of experience in the use of the Ocean
as a text in Theosophical study classes have proved it a provocative
approach to the Theosophical philosophy as a whole. It has 153 pages. |
William Quan Judge | inb. 60:- |
203 |
This ancient treatise on self-control - sometimes called "Yoga" - is useful
only to students with a thorough grounding in the Theosophical philosophy,
for such knowledge on the part of the reader is assumed throughout. To this
rendition of the Aphorisms of Patanjali, Mr. Judge has added brief
explanatory paragraphs following many of the verses. |
William Quan Judge | inb. 40:- |
204 |
In the early days of the Theosophical Movement in the United
States, Mr. Judge was in intimate contact with American students, with whom
he maintained a large correspondence. Letters That Have Helped Me is
a compilation of his counsels. Mr. Judge's wise and gentle words are a
revelation of his understanding of the subtleties of human nature, and of
the great depth and strength of heart he possessed as a teacher and a
friend. |
William Quan Judge |
inb. 80:- |
205 |
William Quan Judge |
inb. 280:- |
206 |
The Theosophical Forum, a pamphlet-like periodical, was
launched in April, 1889, and issued monthly thereafter to members of the
Theosophical Society in America. It presented answers to Theosophical
questions, written by various persons, and was sent without charge to
branches and members. Only the replies by Mr. Judge (those which can be
clearly identified) are included in this book, arranged in the sequence in
which they originally appeared in the Forum, from May, 1889, through
February, 1896. |
William Quan Judge |
inb. 90:- |
207 |
In the terms of Mr. Judge, Reincarnation becomes considerably more than an intriguing metaphysical idea, attractive chiefly for its suggestion of a glamorous past and a romantic future. Instead, it now appears as a conception of life bringing profound meaning to our feelings about the dignity of man, leading to long thoughts concerning both the responsibilites and the potentialities of all human beings.
From the Ocean of Theosophy (paperbound) |
William Quan Judge | inb. 60:- |
208 |
There are many translations of this Hindu scripture, but few,
if any, can compare in either philosophical clarity or literary excellence
with this rendition by Mr. Judge. |
William Quan Judge | inb. 40:- |
209 |
These "Notes" are a companion to the Gita. Mr. Judge
wrote seven of the articles. These, however, constitute more than half of
the volume, the remaining chapters being written by Robert Crosbie, an
associate and student of Mr. Judge. |
William Quan Judge | inb. 50:- |
210 | Teosofisk Resumé | William Quan Judge |
häft. 20:- |
211A | Teosofins Ocean (gammal översättning) |
William Quan Judge |
inb. 40:- |
211B |
Teosofins Ocean |
William Quan Judge |
inb. 80:- |
212 |
Bhagavad-Gita med kommentarer |
William Quan Judge |
inb. 80:- |
213 | Eko från Orienten
Ny utgåva 2001 |
William Quan Judge |
................. |
214 | Patanjalis Yoga-Aforismer Ny utgåva 2001 |
William Quan Judge |
häft. 40:- |
215 |
W.Q.J´s Theosophical Articles |
William Quan Judge |
Set häft. |
216 |
Wm. Q. Judge's The Ocean of Theosophy in Spanish
translation (paperbound). |
William Quan Judge |
häft. 60:- |
217 | Two
Replies (Isis and the Mahatmas) |
William Quan Judge |
häft. 40:- |
218 | Brev som hjälpt mig,
del I
Ny utgåva 2001 |
William Quan Judge |
.................. |
300 |
The writings of Robert Crosbie are included among the books
belonging to the Theosophical literature for the reason that students have
found them of great help in clarifying the teaching and as a practical guide
in the Theosophical life. The Friendly Philosopher was compiled from
his letters, talks and articles, published fifteen years after his death by
appreciative students. |
Robert Crosbie |
inb. 90:- |
301 |
Robert Crosbie |
häft. 50:- |
302 |
For years Mr. Crosbie conducted classes in The Ocean of
Theosophy. His comments and discussion on the Ocean were taken
down by students and are available in this volume. |
Robert Crosbie |
inb. 50:- |
303 | Notes on the Bhagavad Gita (VIII-XVIII) | Robert Crosbie |
inb. 50:- |
304 | I Begynnelsen | Robert Crosbie |
häft. 30:- |
400 | To all Fellow Theosophists of the T.S. | B.P.Wadia |
häft. 20:- |
401 | Some
Observation on the Study of the S.D. (indian edition, paperbound) |
B. P. Wadia |
häft. 20:- |
402 | Studies in the Secret Doctrine (2 vol.) (indian edition, paperbound)
Mr. B.P. Wadia, who
had a deep insight into the true nature and purpose of H.P. Blavatsky's work,
The Secret Doctrine, wrote three series of invaluable articles
which first appeared in Theosophy (Los Angeles) during 1922-25, which
were compiled in a book form and issued as Studies in The Secret Doctrine,
Part I. Later he wrote articles on the The secret Doctrine
and on some miscellaneous subjects to the Theosophical Movement
during 1933-36, which were compiled and issued in the book form as
Studies in The Secret Doctrine, part II. They are of invaluable help
to students to understand clearly the synthetic wisdom of The Secret
Doctrine . |
B. P. Wadia |
häft. 60:- |
403 | The Building of the Home (indian edition, paperbound)
In this little book are compiled a series seven of articles Mr. B.P. Wadia
wrote to the Theosophical Movement during 1941 and 1942. In this
series of articles the philosphical background of the Grihasta Ashrama
is presented and the moral principles which are its logical corollaries are
explained. Sincere aspirants will find in these articles inspiration and
instruction to improve the moral texture of their lives and contribute to
the building of true homes. |
B. P. Wadia |
häft. 20:- |
404 |
The Zoroastrian Philosophy and Life Online 2002 (indian edition, paperbound)
Mr. B.P. Wadia
contributed a series of four articles on Zoroastrianism to the magazine
Theosophy (Los Angeles) during 1926 as a part of a series of
articles published under the general heading Ancient Landmarks in
which ancient religions and philosophies were shown to be representations of
the one and identical Wisdom-Religion professed and practised by the
Initiated of every country. With his deep insight into the one body of
Universal Truths which underlie all religions Mr. Wadia sheds light on the
philosophical teachings of Zoroastrianism and the way of the Higher Life as
taught in ancient Zoroastrian texts. |
B. P. Wadia |
häft. 20:- |
405 | Living the Life (indian edition, paperbound)
Mr. B.P. Wadia wrote a series of articles on Theosophical themes to
the Theosophical Movement and other journals some of which have been
compiled and published in this book. Those who aspire to change and improve
their mode of living, to follow the divine discipline advocated not only by
Theosophy but by all the great Teachers who have appeared on the world scene,
to walk the Way that leads to those Great Souls, will find in the pages of
this book valuable help and instruction. |
B. P. Wadia | häft. 20:- |
406 | Thus Have I Heard
Was the title which
Mr. B.P. Wadia chose for the series of essays he contributed to the Aryan
Path which he founded and edited from 1930 to 1958 till he died.
In these illuminating articles Mr. Wadia repeats the great truths of ancient
Wisdom with a view to awaken an intelligence appreciation of the hoary past
so that an intelligent adaptation of the same old truths to modern life and
conditions may take place. The essays treat of the true value and meaning of
festivals, roots of social problems and the best means of social reform, of
the perplexities of our modern situation and human condition. |
B. P. Wadia | inb. 50:- |
407 |
Till alla teosofer B.P. Wadia var verksam inom den Teosofiska Rörelsen i över femtio år, och under den tiden skrev han många artiklar, signerade och osignerade, för en rad olika tidskrifter. Han höll också många föredrag, varav en del sammanställts till artiklar. Mycket av detta material finns i dag utgivet i bokform. Hans litterära produktion inleddes omkring 1900 under hans TS period med artiklar för The Theosophist och Adyar Bullentin. Efter BPWs utträde ur TS skrev han inledningsvis för tidskriften Theosophy. Senare (omkring 1930) startade han tidskrifterna The Aryan Path och The Theosophical Movement, av vilka den senare fortfarande ges ut från Bombay varje månad.
Robert Crosbie
instiftade den allra första U.L.T.-Logen och B.P. Wadia förde ut U.L.T. i
världen. Han grundade den första indiska U.L.T.-Logen i Bombay samt flera
andra Loger i Indien, Europa och Amerika. I Bangalore instiftade han
dessutom The Indian Institute of World Culture. B.P. Wadia verkade
också politiskt och startade Indiens första fackförening och tog aktiv del i
Indiens självstyre. |
B. P. Wadia | häft. 200:- |
408 |
synpunkter rörande |
B. P. Wadia |
häft. 20:- |
500 |
A documentary history of the course of the Movement through
its first seventy-five years - from 1875 to 1950. It is both a history and a
critical evaluation of methods, attitudes and actions. |
inb. 80:- |
501 |
... |
häft. 20:- |
502 |
häft. 30:- |
503 |
Cranston/Head |
............ |
504 |
Teosofiska föredrag.
ULT-Malmölogen |
häft. 20:- |
600 |
This is a collection of articles from the early years of the
Theosophist, in facsimile of the original edition (London, 1885). A
number of articles by H.P.B. are included in this volume; others of interest
are by T. Subba Row, Mohini M. Chatterji, and Damodar K. Mavalankar. Of
particular interest is the section entitled "Some Inquiries Suggested by Mr.
Sinnett's Esoteric Buddhism, " which contains material published
nowhere else. (569 pages.) |
inb. 150:- |
602 |
by Joseph Head and Sylvia Cranston. The premier anthology of reincarnation beliefs around the world and over time. Plus commentary. (This book has, in recent editions, actually been the work of Cranston.) This most recent edition of 1991 has still more material added to the previous version. Here are some well earned quotes on the previous version:
As the tide of interest in metaphysical and Eastern teachings grows, a spontaneous turning to reincarnation has seemed to result, providing a continuing harvest of human expression on this great subject. Contains an informative chapter with
rarely assembled information: "The Theosophical Movement and the
Reincarnation Renaissance" 606 pages |
inb. 150:- |
603 |
The most comprehensive and effectively practical book ever published on the subject. Bringing together the work of internationally reputable scientists, distinguished theologians, renowned social historians, and prominent psychologists, it presents the reader with the best that has been thought and written on this important area of human life. Providing elevated meaning for our present existence and inspiration for the future; this book contains: Startling revelations on the beliefs of reincarnation in Christianity, Judaism, and other world religions Fascinating scientifically researched cases of children and adults with incredibly accurate past-life recall (including an amazing case investigated by top British navy personnel at the request of Prince Philip and the late Lord Mountbatten) Illuminating thoughts of celebrated writers, philosohers, and psychologists, including Jung, Tolstoy, and Willam James The remarkable influence of reincarnation on the careers of famous people such as Lindbergh, Henry Ford, Wagner, Gauguin, and Yeats. Enlightened methods reincarnationists offer for ultimately solving contemporary problems such as nuclear war, suicide, aging, stress, juvenile crime, and environmental blight. An eminently readable, fascinating book for both the lay person and the specialist scholar, ... deals with the subjects that have perplexed and disturbed millions of people and offers a life-changing solution to problems that have resisted understanding and treatment by orthodox means. An
extended discussion of the doctrine of rebirth drawing on our entire
historical period, with plentiful quotations from modern sources and
philosophies and religions of both East and West.
Cranston/Williams![]() |
inb. 170:- |
623 |
This is a thorough, scholarly and respectful biography . (648 pages) |
inb. 300:- |
604 | La Réincarnation | J. L. Siemons | häft. 90:- |
605 |
Revivre nos vies antérieures |
J. L. Siemons | häft. 90:- |
606 | Light on the Path | Mabel Collins | inb. 40:- |
607A |
Ljus på Vägen (gammal översättning) |
Mabel Collins | inb. 40:- |
607B |
Ljus på Vägen (ny översättning) Ny utgåva 2001 |
Mabel Collins | häft. 90:- |
608 | Through the Gates of Gold | Mabel Collins | inb. 40:- |
609 |
This is said to be the purest recorded form of Buddha's
teaching, in a special Theosophical edition published in 1955. |
inb. 40:- | |
610 |
Here, published in one volume, are represented two of the
great scriptures of ancient Theosophy. These, together withThe
Bhagavad-Gita and The Dhammapada, afford the student suggestive
evidence that profound philosophy has always spoken a common language. |
... | inb. 40:- |
611 |
Wherever there is a growing center of
Theosophical work, the need is soon felt for materials appropriate for
teaching the young. The Eternal Verities is a book for children,
prepared after many years of experience. It is a book for the children
themselves, containing lessons, illustrations, and many stories which embody
the age-old ethics of the Wisdom Religion |
inb. 60:- |
612 |
This manual was designed for the use of parents and teachers, in connection
with The Eternal Verities. It will be found an extremely practical
aid in all phases of Theosophical education |
inb. 60:- |
613 |
Though this book is not strictly speaking an "ancient
scripture," no student of Gautama Buddha can fail to feel that Sir Edwin
Arnold's epic poem, The Light of Asia, is a beautifully compelling
and philosophically accurate rendering of Buddha's life and teaching. |
Edwin Arnold |
inb. 60:- |
614 |
häft. 20:- |
615 |
häft. 20:- |
616 |
häft. 20:- |
617 |
Hypnotism - A Psychic Malpractise |
häft. 20:- |
618 |
inb. 140:- |
619 |
Essays on Shakespeare |
häft. 40:- |
620 |
Bachs blomsterterapi |
Eva Moberg |
häft. 90:- |
621 |
De Tolv Helarna |
Edward Bach |
häft. 70:- |
622 |
Hela Dig |
Edward Bach |
häft. 90:- |
623 |
speglingar |
ULT-Malmölogen |
häft. 280:- |
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Öppettider för Teosofiska
Kompaniet är mån-fre. kl. 9-16. Besöksadress är:
Stiftelsen Teosofiska Kompaniet
Roslinsväg 6
217 55 Malmö, tfn 040-26 22 11 & 0709 26 22 12
Du kan även köpa böckerna genom att besöka oss på:
United Lodge of Theosophists,
Kungsgatan 16 A, Malmö
Öppettiderna är: onsdag kl. 18.00-21.00
Det finns äldre årgångar till försäljning, nr 1 - 71
Teosofiska Rörelsen började komma ut 1979 och vi har hitintills gett ut
ett sjuttiotal specialnummer över olika teosofiska ämnen. Se särskild lista genom
att klicka här! Teosofiska Rörelsen har
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med inspelade Teosofiska Föredrag
Sedan flera år tillbaka spelar vi in våra föredrag (cirka 600
st) på United Lodge of Theosophists i Malmö. Om du är
associerad medlem och är boende i Malmöområdet kan du låna dessa
band, högst tre under en vecka, genom vårt lånebibliotek. Se särskild
Föredragslista på logen. Dessa föredrag är inte till försäljning.
Flera av dessa föredrag har skrivits ned och blivit utgivna i vår skriftserie ARCANA.(cirka
50 st). En del finns också som ARCANA-Online
texter. Samtliga ARCANA-föredrag kan du beställa – dels som prenumeration (12 st),
dels som lösnummer eller inbunda i serier med tolv – genom Teosofiska
Kompaniet antingen per telefon eller genom Internet. Se längre ner på sidan.
ARCANA är en
skriftserie som innehåller tolv olika föredrag. Dessa offentliga föredrag har hållits
på United Lodge of Theosophists lokaler i Malmö under åren 1987-2000. Det finns
idag över sexhundra inspelade kassetter. Föredragen speglar den teosofiska filosofin ur
många olika synvinklar och ger läsaren en ganska god bild av den esoteriska filosofin.
Det är vår önskan att denna serie av föredrag ska skapa ett nytt intresse för den
ursprungliga teosofiska läran. Helena Blavatsky som är den moderna teosofiska
rörelsens guru har förmedlat en enorm mängd kunskap – gnosis – som
dagens sökare med stor glädje kan studera. Alla ARCANA föredrag är baserade på den
ursprungliga teosofiska undervisningen från Mästarna. Dessa föredrag kommer
att hjälpa dig att förstå teosofin och de är alla hållna av teosofer som är
verksamma idag. De är förmedlade med dagens språk som gör de många svåra metafysiska
och ockulta begreppen lätta att förstå och skänker stor glädje åt läsaren.
KASSETTER med inspelade Teosofiska Skrifter
Vi har i dagsläget till försäljning skriften Teosofisk Resumé av
William Q Judge på kassett för 120:-inklusive porto.
Flera teosofiska texter
planeras att bli tal-kassetter framöver.. Är du intresserad så hör
av dig för mer information.
Varje Arcana-nummer innehåller ett föredrag som behandlar något
ämne inom den teosofiska filosofin.
Tolv Arcana-nummer kostar inbundna i häfte med index 280 kronor.
(lösnummer 20 kr)
Serie 1, 1995:
nr 1-12 (Del 1)
Serie 2, 1996: nr 13-24 (Del
Serie 3, 1996: nr 25-36 (Del 3)
Serie 4, 1997: nr 37-38 (Del 4)
Prenumeration på Arcana genom postgiro nr 444 58 09-9
| till ULTs hemsida | till toppen |
Copyright © 1998-2014 Stiftelsen Teosofiska Kompaniet Malmö
Uppdaterad 2014-03-23